Source code for evdev.device

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import os
import warnings
import contextlib
import collections

from evdev import _input, ecodes, util
from import InputEvent

    from evdev.eventio_async import EventIO, EvdevError
except ImportError:
    from evdev.eventio import EventIO, EvdevError

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
_AbsInfo = collections.namedtuple("AbsInfo", ["value", "min", "max", "fuzz", "flat", "resolution"])

_KbdInfo = collections.namedtuple("KbdInfo", ["repeat", "delay"])

_DeviceInfo = collections.namedtuple("DeviceInfo", ["bustype", "vendor", "product", "version"])

[docs] class AbsInfo(_AbsInfo): """Absolute axis information. A ``namedtuple`` used for storing absolute axis information - corresponds to the ``input_absinfo`` struct: Attributes --------- value Latest reported value for the axis. min Specifies minimum value for the axis. max Specifies maximum value for the axis. fuzz Specifies fuzz value that is used to filter noise from the event stream. flat Values that are within this value will be discarded by joydev interface and reported as 0 instead. resolution Specifies resolution for the values reported for the axis. Resolution for main axes (``ABS_X, ABS_Y, ABS_Z``) is reported in units per millimeter (units/mm), resolution for rotational axes (``ABS_RX, ABS_RY, ABS_RZ``) is reported in units per radian. Note ---- The input core does not clamp reported values to the ``[minimum, maximum]`` limits, such task is left to userspace. """ def __str__(self): return "val {}, min {}, max {}, fuzz {}, flat {}, res {}".format(*self)
[docs] class KbdInfo(_KbdInfo): """Keyboard repeat rate. Attributes ---------- repeat Keyboard repeat rate in characters per second. delay Amount of time that a key must be depressed before it will start to repeat (in milliseconds). """ def __str__(self): return "repeat {}, delay {}".format(*self)
[docs] class DeviceInfo(_DeviceInfo): """ Attributes ---------- bustype vendor product version """ def __str__(self): msg = "bus: {:04x}, vendor {:04x}, product {:04x}, version {:04x}" return msg.format(*self)
[docs] class InputDevice(EventIO): """ A linux input device from which input events can be read. """ __slots__ = ("path", "fd", "info", "name", "phys", "uniq", "_rawcapabilities", "version", "ff_effects_count")
[docs] def __init__(self, dev): """ Arguments --------- dev : str|bytes|PathLike Path to input device """ #: Path to input device. self.path = dev if not hasattr(dev, "__fspath__") else dev.__fspath__() # Certain operations are possible only when the device is opened in # read-write mode. try: fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_NONBLOCK) except OSError: fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) #: A non-blocking file descriptor to the device file. self.fd = fd # Returns (bustype, vendor, product, version, name, phys, capabilities). info_res = _input.ioctl_devinfo(self.fd) #: A :class:`DeviceInfo <evdev.device.DeviceInfo>` instance. = DeviceInfo(*info_res[:4]) #: The name of the event device. = info_res[4] #: The physical topology of the device. self.phys = info_res[5] #: The unique identifier of the device. self.uniq = info_res[6] #: The evdev protocol version. self.version = _input.ioctl_EVIOCGVERSION(self.fd) #: The raw dictionary of device capabilities - see `:func:capabilities()`. self._rawcapabilities = _input.ioctl_capabilities(self.fd) #: The number of force feedback effects the device can keep in its memory. self.ff_effects_count = _input.ioctl_EVIOCGEFFECTS(self.fd)
def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "fd") and self.fd is not None: try: self.close() except (OSError, ImportError, AttributeError): pass def _capabilities(self, absinfo=True): res = {} for etype, _ecodes in self._rawcapabilities.items(): for code in _ecodes: l = res.setdefault(etype, []) if isinstance(code, tuple): if absinfo: a = code[1] # (0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0) i = AbsInfo(*a) l.append((code[0], i)) else: l.append(code[0]) else: l.append(code) return res
[docs] def capabilities(self, verbose=False, absinfo=True): """ Return the event types that this device supports as a mapping of supported event types to lists of handled event codes. Example -------- >>> device.capabilities() { 1: [272, 273, 274], 2: [0, 1, 6, 8] } If ``verbose`` is ``True``, event codes and types will be resolved to their names. :: { ('EV_KEY', 1): [('BTN_MOUSE', 272), ('BTN_RIGHT', 273), ('BTN_MIDDLE', 273)], ('EV_REL', 2): [('REL_X', 0), ('REL_Y', 1), ('REL_HWHEEL', 6), ('REL_WHEEL', 8)] } Unknown codes or types will be resolved to ``'?'``. If ``absinfo`` is ``True``, the list of capabilities will also include absolute axis information in the form of :class:`AbsInfo` instances:: { 3: [ (0, AbsInfo(min=0, max=255, fuzz=0, flat=0)), (1, AbsInfo(min=0, max=255, fuzz=0, flat=0)) ]} Combined with ``verbose`` the above becomes:: { ('EV_ABS', 3): [ (('ABS_X', 0), AbsInfo(min=0, max=255, fuzz=0, flat=0)), (('ABS_Y', 1), AbsInfo(min=0, max=255, fuzz=0, flat=0)) ]} """ if verbose: return dict(util.resolve_ecodes_dict(self._capabilities(absinfo))) else: return self._capabilities(absinfo)
[docs] def input_props(self, verbose=False): """ Get device properties and quirks. Example ------- >>> device.input_props() [0, 5] If ``verbose`` is ``True``, input properties are resolved to their names. Unknown codes are resolved to ``'?'``:: [('INPUT_PROP_POINTER', 0), ('INPUT_PROP_POINTING_STICK', 5)] """ props = _input.ioctl_EVIOCGPROP(self.fd) if verbose: return util.resolve_ecodes(ecodes.INPUT_PROP, props) return props
[docs] def leds(self, verbose=False): """ Return currently set LED keys. Example ------- >>> device.leds() [0, 1, 8, 9] If ``verbose`` is ``True``, event codes are resolved to their names. Unknown codes are resolved to ``'?'``:: [('LED_NUML', 0), ('LED_CAPSL', 1), ('LED_MISC', 8), ('LED_MAIL', 9)] """ leds = _input.ioctl_EVIOCG_bits(self.fd, ecodes.EV_LED) if verbose: return util.resolve_ecodes(ecodes.LED, leds) return leds
[docs] def set_led(self, led_num, value): """ Set the state of the selected LED. Example ------- >>> device.set_led(ecodes.LED_NUML, 1) """ self.write(ecodes.EV_LED, led_num, value)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Two devices are equal if their :data:`info` attributes are equal. """ return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == and self.path == other.path
def __str__(self): msg = 'device {}, name "{}", phys "{}", uniq "{}"' return msg.format(self.path,, self.phys, self.uniq or "") def __repr__(self): msg = (self.__class__.__name__, self.path) return "{}({!r})".format(*msg)
[docs] def __fspath__(self): return self.path
[docs] def close(self): if self.fd > -1: try: super().close() os.close(self.fd) finally: self.fd = -1
[docs] def grab(self): """ Grab input device using ``EVIOCGRAB`` - other applications will be unable to receive events until the device is released. Only one process can hold a ``EVIOCGRAB`` on a device. Warning ------- Grabbing an already grabbed device will raise an ``OSError``. """ _input.ioctl_EVIOCGRAB(self.fd, 1)
[docs] def ungrab(self): """ Release device if it has been already grabbed (uses `EVIOCGRAB`). Warning ------- Releasing an already released device will raise an ``OSError('Invalid argument')``. """ _input.ioctl_EVIOCGRAB(self.fd, 0)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def grab_context(self): """ A context manager for the duration of which only the current process will be able to receive events from the device. """ self.grab() yield self.ungrab()
[docs] def upload_effect(self, effect): """ Upload a force feedback effect to a force feedback device. """ data = memoryview(effect).tobytes() ff_id = _input.upload_effect(self.fd, data) return ff_id
[docs] def erase_effect(self, ff_id): """ Erase a force effect from a force feedback device. This also stops the effect. """ _input.erase_effect(self.fd, ff_id)
@property def repeat(self): """ Get or set the keyboard repeat rate (in characters per minute) and delay (in milliseconds). """ return KbdInfo(*_input.ioctl_EVIOCGREP(self.fd)) @repeat.setter def repeat(self, value): return _input.ioctl_EVIOCSREP(self.fd, *value)
[docs] def active_keys(self, verbose=False): """ Return currently active keys. Example ------- >>> device.active_keys() [1, 42] If ``verbose`` is ``True``, key codes are resolved to their verbose names. Unknown codes are resolved to ``'?'``. For example:: [('KEY_ESC', 1), ('KEY_LEFTSHIFT', 42)] """ active_keys = _input.ioctl_EVIOCG_bits(self.fd, ecodes.EV_KEY) if verbose: return util.resolve_ecodes(ecodes.KEY, active_keys) return active_keys
@property def fn(self): msg = "Please use {0}.path instead of {0}.fn".format(self.__class__.__name__) warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.path
[docs] def absinfo(self, axis_num): """ Return current :class:`AbsInfo` for input device axis Arguments --------- axis_num : int EV_ABS keycode (example :attr:`ecodes.ABS_X`) Example ------- >>> device.absinfo(ecodes.ABS_X) AbsInfo(value=1501, min=-32768, max=32767, fuzz=0, flat=128, resolution=0) """ return AbsInfo(*_input.ioctl_EVIOCGABS(self.fd, axis_num))
[docs] def set_absinfo(self, axis_num, value=None, min=None, max=None, fuzz=None, flat=None, resolution=None): """ Update :class:`AbsInfo` values. Only specified values will be overwritten. Arguments --------- axis_num : int EV_ABS keycode (example :attr:`ecodes.ABS_X`) Example ------- >>> device.set_absinfo(ecodes.ABS_X, min=-2000, max=2000) You can also unpack AbsInfo tuple that will overwrite all values >>> device.set_absinfo(ecodes.ABS_Y, *AbsInfo(0, -2000, 2000, 0, 15, 0)) """ cur_absinfo = self.absinfo(axis_num) new_absinfo = AbsInfo( value if value is not None else cur_absinfo.value, min if min is not None else cur_absinfo.min, max if max is not None else cur_absinfo.max, fuzz if fuzz is not None else cur_absinfo.fuzz, flat if flat is not None else cur_absinfo.flat, resolution if resolution is not None else cur_absinfo.resolution, ) _input.ioctl_EVIOCSABS(self.fd, axis_num, new_absinfo)