Source code for evdev.util

import re
import os
import stat
import glob
import collections

from evdev import ecodes
from import event_factory

[docs] def list_devices(input_device_dir="/dev/input"): """List readable character devices in ``input_device_dir``.""" fns = glob.glob("{}/event*".format(input_device_dir)) fns = list(filter(is_device, fns)) return fns
[docs] def is_device(fn): """Check if ``fn`` is a readable and writable character device.""" if not os.path.exists(fn): return False m = os.stat(fn)[stat.ST_MODE] if not stat.S_ISCHR(m): return False if not os.access(fn, os.R_OK | os.W_OK): return False return True
[docs] def categorize(event): """ Categorize an event according to its type. The :data:`event_factory <>` dictionary maps event types to sub-classes of :class:`InputEvent <>`. If the event cannot be categorized, it is returned unmodified.""" if event.type in event_factory: return event_factory[event.type](event) else: return event
[docs] def resolve_ecodes_dict(typecodemap, unknown="?"): """ Resolve event codes and types to their verbose names. :param typecodemap: mapping of event types to lists of event codes. :param unknown: symbol to which unknown types or codes will be resolved. Example ------- >>> resolve_ecodes_dict({ 1: [272, 273, 274] }) { ('EV_KEY', 1): [('BTN_MOUSE', 272), ('BTN_RIGHT', 273), ('BTN_MIDDLE', 274)] } If ``typecodemap`` contains absolute axis info (instances of :class:`AbsInfo <evdev.device.AbsInfo>` ) the result would look like: >>> resolve_ecodes_dict({ 3: [(0, AbsInfo(...))] }) { ('EV_ABS', 3L): [(('ABS_X', 0L), AbsInfo(...))] } """ for etype, codes in typecodemap.items(): type_name = ecodes.EV[etype] # ecodes.keys are a combination of KEY_ and BTN_ codes if etype == ecodes.EV_KEY: ecode_dict = ecodes.keys else: ecode_dict = getattr(ecodes, type_name.split("_")[-1]) resolved = resolve_ecodes(ecode_dict, codes, unknown) yield (type_name, etype), resolved
[docs] def resolve_ecodes(ecode_dict, ecode_list, unknown="?"): """ Resolve event codes and types to their verbose names. Example ------- >>> resolve_ecodes(ecodes.BTN, [272, 273, 274]) [(['BTN_LEFT', 'BTN_MOUSE'], 272), ('BTN_RIGHT', 273), ('BTN_MIDDLE', 274)] """ res = [] for ecode in ecode_list: # elements with AbsInfo(), eg { 3 : [(0, AbsInfo(...)), (1, AbsInfo(...))] } if isinstance(ecode, tuple): if ecode[0] in ecode_dict: l = ((ecode_dict[ecode[0]], ecode[0]), ecode[1]) else: l = ((unknown, ecode[0]), ecode[1]) # just ecodes, e.g: { 0 : [0, 1, 3], 1 : [30, 48] } else: if ecode in ecode_dict: l = (ecode_dict[ecode], ecode) else: l = (unknown, ecode) res.append(l) return res
def find_ecodes_by_regex(regex): """ Find ecodes matching a regex and return a mapping of event type to event codes. regex can be a pattern string or a compiled regular expression object. Example ------- >>> find_ecodes_by_regex(r'(ABS|KEY)_BR(AKE|EAK)') {1: [411], 3: [10]} >>> res = find_ecodes_by_regex(r'(ABS|KEY)_BR(AKE|EAK)') >>> resolve_ecodes_dict(res) { ('EV_KEY', 1): [('KEY_BREAK', 411)], ('EV_ABS', 3): [('ABS_BRAKE', 10)] } """ regex = re.compile(regex) # re.compile is idempotent result = collections.defaultdict(list) for type_code, codes in ecodes.bytype.items(): for code, names in codes.items(): names = (names,) if isinstance(names, str) else names for name in names: if regex.match(name): result[type_code].append(code) break return dict(result) __all__ = ("list_devices", "is_device", "categorize", "resolve_ecodes", "resolve_ecodes_dict", "find_ecodes_by_regex")